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How To Design & Perform Scalp MicroPigmentation Treatments For Clients with Alopecia
Welcome & Introduction
Welcome & Introduction To Your Advanced Learning on Alopecia and Scalp MicroPigmentation
A. Before you Begin
Learning Our Terminology
B. Our Client With Alopecia Client Testimonial Video
Hear From Our Client Who Underwent Scalp MicroPigmentation to Camouflage His Alopecia
C. A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Alopecia
1. Definition of Alopecia
2. What is a T-Cell?
3. Diagnosis of Alopecia
4. Which are the More Common Types of Alopecia?
5. What Does It Feel Like When Alopecia Starts?
6. What Can Trigger Alopecia?
7. Alopecia and Camouflage Options
8. Alopecia and Medical Treatments
9. What is the Likelihood of Hair Regrowing with Alopecia Areata, Totalis or Universalis
10. Impact Of Alopecia On Clients
D. Consultations for Alopecia Clients for Scalp Micropigmentation
1. Alopecia and SMP Consultations
2. Types of Alopecia More Commonly Seen In A Consultation
3. Discussing The Type of Alopecia
4. The Extent of Hair Loss
5. The Right Hair Length
6. Changing Hair Loss & Maintenance
7. The Skin Tone
8. Discussing Expectations
9. Drawing Up A Hairline
E. Pre Treatment
1. Pre-Treatment Advise
2. Complications of Scalp MicroPigmentation and Alopecia
F. Hairline Design
1. Design Considerations for a Client with Alopecia
2. The 4 Key Areas Of An Alopecia Hairline & How to Draw Them
3. Drawing the Alopecia Hairline
4. Creating Back Neck Hairline Shapes
5. Marking in Zones For A Client With Alopecia Universalis and Totalis (1:30)
1a. Video: Research and Background Information (3:20)
Video: Mapping the Scalp Creating the Perfect Hairline for an Alopecia Client (2:42)
G. Aftercare & Maintenance Sessions
1. Aftercare Instructions
2. How to Treat Areas of Alopecia Areata and Maintenance Sessions
Client Case Studies
Client 1: Alopecia Universalis Male
Client 2: Alopecia Universalis Male
Completion of Training
PRO TIP: How To Set Yourself Up For Success During Longer SMP Sessions (2:17)
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